23 Feb 2014

Kumiko you brave girl

The Singularity of Kumiko, at Immersiva by Bryn Oh, is true to her artistic style. Seems like her stories continue from one installation to another. The world is similar. The mood is the same. And many objects along the way take you to videos of her past works. Yet I always find it all refreshingly complex and detailed.

I went to see this installation with my dear friend, and SL uncle, Spencer. We did our own exploring but exchanged messages and shared our reactions. This was a good way to experience it, looking around by yourself but getting to comment on it.

At the beginning you need to set your windlight right to get most out of the exhibit. Just read the instructions and follow the step by step, and you will be fine. Though I think my graphics card did not agree with some of them.

Art loving fox ready to explore.

See if you can find this doll. I bought it, will have a gallery one of these days to display it in.

So as not to spoil your fun, I won't show you what I've done. But here you see me bravely peeking, at what you too shall be seeking. Answers to your questions, maybe the truth. More questions, yet, you might take with you.

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